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Publications and academic consulting

Andrew McStay


Social impact, automated empathy, emotion, AI, governance and ethics

  • McStay, A. (2023). Automating Empathy: Decoding Technologies that Gauge Intimate Life. Oxford University Press.

  • Bakir, V. and McStay, A. (2022). Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation. Palgrave Macmillan, Springer.

  • McStay, A. (2018) Emotional AI: The Rise of Empathic Media. London: Sage.

    • Chinese translation by Communication University of China Press and Indonesian by Penerbit Pustaka Pelajar.

  • McStay, A. (2017) Privacy and the Media. London: Sage.
    McStay, A. (2016) Digital Advertising (Second Edition). London: Palgrave-Macmillan.

    • Polish translation by University of Łódź Press.

  • McStay, A. (2014) Privacy and Philosophy: New Media and Affective Protocol. New York: Peter Lang.

  • McStay, A. (2013) Creativity and Advertising: Affect, Events and Process. London: Routledge. 

  • McStay, A. (2011) The Mood of Information. New York: Continuum. 

  • McStay, A. (2009) Digital Advertising. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. 


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Book chapters

  • Urquhart, L. & McStay, A. (forthcoming/2023) "Creating Trustworthy Human Machine Interactions in Cars: The Case of Regulating Emotional Artificial Intelligence" in Cambridge Handbook on Law, Policy, and Regulations for Human-Robot Interaction.

  • McStay, A. & Bakir, V. (2023) "Automating empathy: overview, technologies, criticism" in Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence.

  • McStay, A. & Rosner, G. (2021 [in press]) ““Emotoys”: Ethics, Emotions and Empathic Technologies” In A. Malinowska (Ed) Data Dating. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

  • Bakir, V. & A.McStay. (2020) Empathic Media, Emotional AI and the Optimization of Disinformation. In M. Boler and E. Davis (eds.) Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means. New York: Routledge.

  • McStay, A. (2018) “The Significance of AdTech: Programmatic Platforms, Identity and Moments”. In J. Hardy, I. MacRury and H. Powell (Eds) The Advertising Handbook, 4th ed. London: Routledge.

  • McStay, A. (2017) “Micro-moments, Liquidity, Intimacy and Automation: Developments in Programmatic Ad-Tech”. In G. Siegert and M.B. von Rimscha (Eds) Commercial communication in the digital age – information or disinformation? Berlin: De Gruyter. Link:

  • McStay, A. (2017) "The Mood of Information in an Age of Empathic Media". In J.F. Hamilton, R. Bodle and E. Korin (eds) Explorations in Critical Studies of Advertising, p. 235-247. New York: Routledge.

  • McStay, A. (2017) “Privacy”. In B, Arrigo (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. New York: Sage.

  • McStay, A. (2017) “Bruno Latour”. In B, Arrigo (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. New York: Sage.

  • McStay, A. (2017) “Advertising and Marketing”, B, Arrigo (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. New York: Sage.

  • Bakir, V. & McStay, A. (2008) “When the Script runs out … what happens to The Polarised War Body? Deconstructing Western 24/7 News Coverage of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003”. In K. Randell & S. Redmond (eds.) The War Body on Screen, p. 165-181. Continuum: London. Link:

  • McStay, A. (2007) “Trust, Data-mining and Instantaneity: The Creation of the Online Accountable Consumer”. In V. Bakir & D. Barlow (eds.) Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media, p. 193-210. Palgrave-Macmillan: London. Link:

Academic consulting

  • McStay, A. (2022) ‘Overview of emotion recognition trends, applications and issues of scientific validity’ Ada Lovelace Workshop on AI Act and Emotion Recognition.

  • McStay, A. (2022) Information Commissioner’s Office expert workshop on biometrics and emotion recognition.

  • 2021 CDEI Roundtables on DCMS Data Reform Consultation

  • 2021 Digital Futures Commission: Roundtables on problems and realising the benefits of processing children’s education data

  • 2021 North Wales Police AI Governance Group

  • 2019 UNICEF, Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Children Workshop, Helsinki

  • 2019 UK Government Center for Data Ethics and Innovation (advisor on facial recognition technology)

  • 2019 Royal United Services Institute (UK Gov’ defense think tank), workshop on machine learning for law enforcement

  • 2019 Advising UK Government, Open Innovation Group, on online targeting

  • 2019 Nexus Studio in AI ethics installation at London’s Barbican art centre

  • 2019 CognitionX expert advisor

  • 2018-2019 Ofcom, North Wales advisory board

  • 2018 Invited participant: United Nations expert workshop on right to privacy in the digital age.

  • 2018 Advising UK Government Cabinet Office on Social Media and Addiction

  • 2018 Invited witness at UK Parliament, DCMS Committee's oral evidence session on Fake News.

  • 2018 Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Communications reviewer

  • 2018 Expert input on Re-Work AI white paper on Ethical Implications of AI.

  • 2018 Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport Committee's oral evidence session on Fake News

  • 2017 House of Parliament presentation on development of fake news and branded content

  • 2016 Open Rights Group, academic advisor on data protection

  • 2016 Ethics, Privacy and Advisory Board Member for Sensing Feeling (a retail project on emotional AI)

  • 2015 UK Government, Office for Science, ‘Understanding Influence’ workshop/report.

  • 2015 Information Commissioner’s Office, advisor and member of the Policy Delivery department.

  • 2015 Committee of Advertising Practice, advisor on ethics of emotion-sensitive technology

  • 2015 Internet Advertising Bureau (Europe), advisor on ethics in digital advertising

  • 2015 By invitation, Expert Discussion on Adblocking, European Parliament, Brussels

Academic advising and examining

  • 2021: Ada Love Lace/RCA workshop on responsible and ethical AI to formula next round of AHRC AI funding.

  • 2021-ongoing Senate membership, Bangor University.

  • 2020-2023: Advisory Board for PATH-AI (The Alan Turing Institute, University of Edinburgh and RIKEN in Japan)2018: co-production of white paper to shape European Commission’s (EC) research agenda on the internet's impact on echo chambers, fake news and populism (H2020 framework and FP9).

  • 2017-current: External Examiner, Goldsmiths, MA Advertising & Promotional Culture

  • 2017-current: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) reviewer

  • 2016-current: AHRC Peer College/panel member

  • 2016-2017: MSA (Egypt)/University of Bedfordshire, BA Mass Comms, Advertising and PR

  • 2014-current: External Examiner: Falmouth University, BA Creative Advertising

  • 2013-current: International Assessor: Research Foundation Flanders.


  • Aura (2019): Academic advisor & co-producer, McStay. Lead artist, Ronan Devlin. Based on McStay’s emotional AI work, this is been shown in Leeds, Salford, Lancaster and London (Canary Wharf). Approx. 100,000 in-person views.

  • Nexus Studio, ‘Meet the AI’ at London Barbican: I advised Nexus Studios’ installation at ‘Meet the AI’ (positively reviewed by The Times, Financial Times, Evening Standard, Artlyst, Artnet, British GQ). Key advising was on ethics, bias, gender and need for explainability of training algorithms and data processes.

  • Veillance (2017): Team McStay, Ronan Devlin (lead artist), Vian Bakir (academic), Ant Dickinson (sound), Carwyn Edwards (software), Michael Flückiger (graphics) and Gillian Jein (academic).


Scientific American, Washington Post, GQ, Financial Times, The Sun, New York Post, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Register, ABC Radio (Australia), Canal+ (France), RTV Slovenia, BBC Futures (USA), BBC Radio 4, BBC Wales, BBC Worldwide, NBC news (USA). Writing includes: Information Week, Information Age, WPP, ESOMAR, Privacy & Business Law and The Conversation.


  • ABC Australia (2021) Future Tense, The positive side of monitoring.

  • Queen Mary History of Emotions (2022) Emotional AI.

  • Critical Technology podcast (2022) Kids and Emotional AI.

  • The Machine Ethics Podcast (2022) Emotion detection with Andrew McStay

  • CityScape podcast (2020) McStay interview on the ethical implications of the deployment of emotional AI in smart cities

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